Bus Service Information
Walking zones. Bus service is for students who live more than 1 mile from their elementary school and 1.5 miles away from their middle or high school. While buses may drive by your home, we cannot create stops closer to school due to the number of riders on the bus.
Neighborhood access points. Students may need to walk several blocks to their nearest stop, and adults may be expected to accompany them to and from the stop if your neighborhood does not have pathways. Buses cannot stop at multiple homes.
Bus registration is not necessary. Routes and stops are designed based on historical patterns and current student residences. Elementary students may sit up to three to a seat, and secondary students up to two to a seat on our buses.
Help prepare your child to ride the bus. Select the stop(s) that works best for your family.
Visit your stop before school starts to familiarize your child with it.
Look for visual clues to help them identify when to get off the bus.
On school days, please be at the stop ready, watching, and waiting 5 minutes before the stop time.
Primary student tags. During the first weeks of school, students in grades K-2 will be given luggage tags on their backpacks to help school staff, drivers, and students remember their routes and stops.
Kindergarteners need an adult to greet them off the bus. Bus drivers are obligated to return unattended kindergarteners to school for safekeeping. Please be sure to be at your child’s stop ahead of time to help keep the bus moving for all onboard.
Students in the PreK program require parent/guardian transportation. The program starts and ends 30 minutes later than the rest of the school.
Palisades World Language School is served by a limited number of shuttle bus stops. Students can access shuttle buses at designated neighborhood points, which may be farther than traditional neighborhood school bus stops. Families may need to walk or drive their students to these shuttle stops to access transportation that serves the entire district attendance area.