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Special Education Advisory Committee

seac hands and losd logo

Lake Oswego School District Student Services Department is excited to announce the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC), a rebranded collaboration between Student Services staff and parents/guardians of students receiving special education services or 504 plan accommodations.

The primary activities of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) include:

  • Commitment to attend meetings (typically once per month) to receive/share information and provide feedback on special education services in our district
  • Share resources with parents/guardians of students receiving special education services
  • Assist with parent/guardian workshops
  • Serve as a liaison between the Student Services Department and each building’s School Advisory Committee (SAC)

Other Committee Information

Members*: 12 (one parent/guardian per school & Community Transition Program)

Student members: As applicable; invite based on topics

Membership: Annual google form/interest survey submitted to the Executive Director

Meeting Frequency: Typically monthly (but will vary due to shorter instructional months and our participation in districtwide advisory committee meetings)

Meeting Format: In-person or Zoom with agenda & meeting minutes

Financial: District funding as necessary

*Parent/guardian members are required to register as a volunteer with LOSD annually since students may be in attendance at our meetings

SEAC Members

Applications are accepted each spring for openings on the committee beginning the following school year. For more information, please contact Scott Schinderle, Executive Director of Student Services.

SEAC Building Representation

Brianna O'Gorman - Forest Hills

Michael Harrison - Hallinan

Christy Shaver - Lake Grove

Caroline & Francisco Castillo - Oak Creek

David Cherrytree - Palisades World Language

Casie Hobbs - River Grove

Tina Buchanan - Westridge

Diana Brevard Matzer - Lake Oswego Middle School

Lisa Ledson - Lakeridge Middle School

Desire Guensch - LOHS

Jennifer Harvey - LHS

John Bennett - CTP