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English Language Development

English Language Development (ELD) helps multilingual learners build the English skills they need for school and daily life. It focuses on listening, speaking, reading, and writing, particularly attention to language use, grammar, and vocabulary for academics. In LOSD, ELD lessons are designed to meet the specific needs of English learners, helping them succeed in school and social settings. ELD also supports access to grade-level learning by breaking down complex tasks into manageable steps. Using interactive and culturally inclusive methods, ELD creates equitable opportunities for all students to learn and grow.

English Learners in Oregon State Report
Equal Education Opportunities for English Language Learners
Oregon Multilingual Learner Strategic Plan September 2024
Letter of Title III Compliance


EL Specialists & EL Educational Assistants

  • Ewa Chomka-Campbell: Palisades World Language ES, CTP, Harmony Academy, Heron Creek (English, Polish)
  • Inkeri Chisholm: Lake Oswego HS, Lakeridge HS (English, Finnish)
  • Lisa Watzke: Forest Hills ES, Oak Creek ES, Hallinan ES (English, Japanese)
  • Maria Krekorian: Lake Oswego MS, Lakeridge MS, Westridge ES (English, Spanish)
  • Noriko Divers: Lake Grove ES, River Grove ES (English, Japanese)

EL Educational Assistant

  • Eva Knight: Lake Grove ES - EA, River Grove ES - EA, ELPA Screening, Other schools as assigned (English, French, Arabic)