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Black History Month

Black History Month

February 1-28

Black History Month

The Lake Oswego School Board officially proclaims Black History Month in our school district yet celebrating Black History extends far beyond February; it is a year-round commitment. Our schools and classrooms consistently incorporate instructional learning activities that emphasize the significant contributions of Black Americans.

For example, at Lakeridge Middle School, students in 8th-grade social studies classes recently experienced a "field trip" at school from the Black History 101 Mobile Museum. Founded by Dr. Khalid el-Hakim, the Black History 101 Mobile Museum is an award-winning collection of more than 10,000 original artifacts of Black memorabilia dating from the trans-Atlantic slave trade era to hip-hop culture. As the nation's premiere Black history traveling exhibit, the Black History 101 Mobile Museum has visited 41 states sharing "our story" at thousands of institutions reaching tens of thousands of visitors in diverse spaces including colleges, K12 schools, corporations, conferences, libraries, museums, festivals, religious institutions, and cultural events.

black history month decorations made by students