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About School Board Meetings

School Board Meeting Access

All regular, special and emergency meetings of the Board will be open to the public except as provided by law.  Access to and the ability to attend all meetings (excluding executive session) by telephone, video or other electronic or virtual means will be made available when reasonably possible. All meetings will be conducted in compliance with state and federal statutes. Information on how to give or submit public comment is posted on the district’s website.
If requested to do so at least 48 hours before a meeting held in public, the Board shall make a good faith effort to provide an interpreter for hearing-impaired persons. Other appropriate auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request and appropriate advance notice. If requested to do so at least 72 hours before a meeting held in public, the Board will make a reasonable effort to provide translation services.
Individuals requesting accommodations to attend, view or listen to School Board meetings should contact the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and School Board at

Regular Sessions

School Board meetings are generally held twice a month on Monday evenings.

Regular sessions typically begin at 6 p.m.

Agendas for school board meetings are posted on Thursday afternoon before each meeting.

Unless noted otherwise on a specific agenda, school board meetings are held at the Administration Building, located on the campus of Lake Oswego High School (map).

Work Sessions

The School Board may hold a work session immediately prior to or after its regular sessions, or instead of a regular session. These meetings give Board members an opportunity to discuss issues in greater depth and ask questions of administrators. No action is taken during work sessions, which are open to the public.

Executive Sessions

The School Board may convene an executive session in addition to its work and regular sessions. Executive sessions are closed to the public in accordance with ORS 192.610-192.690. 

Topics that may be discussed in executive session include personnel matters, strategies for collective bargaining, purchase of real estate, discussions with legal counsel, record reviews legally exempt from public inspection, students' confidential records, and expulsion of students. News reporters may attend executive sessions but cannot report on the content of those sessions.


School Board Norms and Expectations