Goals: In awarding the Seal of Bi/Multiliteracy to qualifying high school seniors, the school district seeks to:
- Encourage students to develop and maintain bi/multiliteracy and multilingual skills
- Promote Dual and World Language instruction in our schools
- Strengthen intergroup relationships, affirm the value of diversity, and honor the multiple cultures and languages of our community
- Provide graduates with recognized proof of their bi/multiliteracy skills to show to colleges, universities and employers
- Honor and validate the home or primary language students bring to their English academic education
- Certify attainment of bi/multiliteracy
Students earn a Seal at high school graduation by achieving an Intermediate High (or higher) proficiency level on the ACTFL Proficiency Scale in two or more languages through assessments such as AP Language and Culture Exams, the Smarter Balanced Assessment, the STAMP 4S Assessment and others.
Contact your counselor, test coordinator or World Language teacher for options and details.