Tutoring Services
Tutor List
The Lake Oswego School District provides a tutor list as a resource for our parent community with the following important notes:
- The district does not endorse or recommend specific tutors.
- While some tutors may also be Lake Oswego School District employees, they offer tutoring services independently from their employment with the district.
- Individual tutors determine fees and services.
- The district does not verify the qualifications or evaluate the services of the tutors on the list.
- Families are responsible for selecting a tutor and arranging services directly. The district is not involved in coordinating or overseeing these services.
To learn how you can be added to this list, please contact us at the link below between July 1 and September 30.
Reserve a Space for Tutoring
Lake Oswego Community School requires the family to locate, identify a tutor/service provider, and reserve space for the tutor/service provider and their child.
- For a tutor/service provider (i.e. collecting their own payments and fee structure), they would need to provide proof of liability insurance, per district policy.
- The TULIP program offers liability insurance that you may want to look into.
- The tutor/service provider and/or family would pay $100 to reserve a space for a year. The $100 would act as a facility rental, which would not grant them liability insurance.
- The usual rate that a tutor unaffiliated with the district would pay for a classroom would be a minimum of $40/hour. Under this situation, it would be a great cost reducer for the tutor.
- If the tutor paid for it, they would have unlimited weekday access to the room to book sessions in.
- If the family rented the space, they could book multiple tutors under the same unlimited weekday access.
Community School reserves the room/space for you on the online system. This would allow for custodians and secretaries to know that the space would be used and to have it be unlocked and available on school days. For more information, you can contact Community School using our contact form.