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Immunization Requirements

Upon entering a public school in the state of Oregon, a student needs to present a record of current immunizations. These records must be presented to the school’s enrollment secretary.

Before the student arrives, he/she needs to be informed of these requirements. If the student does not meet the State of Oregon requirements, the student is advised to obtain needed immunizations before leaving his/her country.

Please refer to the following website for current immunization requirements: LOSD Immunization Requirements.

If a student is not in compliance by February of that school year, that student will be included in the state of Oregon exclusion process. That student will be excluded from classes until the needed immunizations are brought up to date.

Please call Clackamas County Public Health (503-742-5300, 2051 Kaen Rd #367, Oregon City, OR 97045) if you need to schedule an appointment for vaccinations and do not have a regular doctor here for the student.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our District Nurses