You can register multiple new students in a household at one time. This is preferred because you can enter your address and parent information once, then apply it to multiple students.
Students Module Home Page
Registration: Press the Add New Student button to register a new student who has never attended LOSD before. You can add multiple new students as part of the same online registration.
Verification: Press the Edit button for any student whose status is not "Complete". Press the Save And Continue button when all students in the "Students to include" section are marked complete. If another parent/guardian has already submitted a verification for your student, the student will appear in the "Students to exclude" section and cannot be edited.
Required student demographic fields are flagged with a red asterisk. Use standard capitalization rather than all capital letters or all lowercase letters (e.g., enter "Jane Doe" rather than "JANE DOE" or "jane doe").
No Middle Name: check this box if your student does not have a middle name. You can then leave the Middle Name field blank.
Entering Grade: you will receive an error if you choose a grade that does not match the student's age (as determined by the Birth Date above). Contact the enrolling school if you wish to enroll your student into a grade level early.
Primary Parent for Student Address: choose the parent/guardian whose home address matches the student's. If the student lives at multiple addresses, choose the parent/guardian at whose address the student most often resides.
Additional Information
Birth Verification document type: You will be asked to provide this document to your child's school for new registrations only. This will not be retained and is only to confirm name and birthdate.
Tribal Community: Select the Native American tribal community to which the student belongs. Leave blank if not applicable.
Tribal Enrollment Number: Enter the student's Native American tribal enrollment number. Leave blank if not applicable.
I have an approved Inter-District Transfer agreement for this student: check this box only if:
- Your student resides outside of LOSD boundaries, and
- You have an approved Inter-District Transfer Agreement from the student's resident district to attend LOSD.
I have completed the LOSD Tuition application for this student: check this box only if:
- Your student resides outside of LOSD boundaries, and
- You have a completed LOSD's Tuition Application Form for the school year in which you are registering your student.
Contact Information (grades 9-12 only)
Enter the student's personal phone number(s) and email address, if applicable. Do not enter parent/guardian information on this page.
The question on this page is used to determine whether the student may be eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001. If you answer Yes, district staff will contact you after your student's registration is accepted.
Parent/Guardian Relationships
Relationship: choose the relationship for each parent/guardian as regards the student whose name is shown at the top of the page.
To enable the school to contact each parent/guardian appropriately, carefully read the definitions at the bottom of the page, then check the correct boxes for each parent/guardian.
Note: Special custody and legal restrictions require a copy of legal documentation to be provided to the school.
Emergency Contact Relationships
Relationship: choose the relationship for each emergency contact as regards the student whose name is shown at the top of the page.
Emergency Contact Order
Drag and drop the names of the parents/guardians and emergency contacts into the order in which they should be contacted in the event of an emergency. Please note that the parents/guardians will be called first regardless of their place in this order as long as they have contact rights with the student.
Ethnicity and Race
Choose an ethnicity from the dropdown and check one or more races below.
LOSD is required by federal law to record this information for all students. While it is not required for registration, if you choose not to provide it for your student, you must contact the school and switch to paper registration, and the school must determine your student's race and ethnicity on your behalf.
Student Services
This page is only used for new registrations. The services covered on this page are Section 504 Plan, Special Education/IEP, and Speech Therapy.
Answering Yes may cause additional questions to appear. To enable the school to provide the appropriate services to your child, answer each question as accurately as possible.
If you answer Yes to "Does the student have a current IEP?" you will be asked to provide a copy of the IEP to your child's school.
School Selection
Select the resident school of your student from the dropdown — the system will show you the appropriate school based on your home address. (All students must register at their resident school. Any approved transfers will be processed by school staff after registration.)
- One Jefferson Parkway residents: This apartment complex is divided by Clackamas and Multnomah County boundaries, and by Lake Oswego School District and Portland Public Schools boundaries. Our system will accept all units at this address, but some may be served by Portland Public Schools. Please confirm which district you live in before registering. For more information, click here.
Anticipated Start Date
Enter the date on which you expect the student to begin attending the school you have chosen.
Previous Schools Attended
This page is only used for new registrations. List all previous schools that the student attended over the past two years, including pre-school programs if applicable. This will enable LOSD to acquire your student's educational records.
If you enter a School Name, the following fields become required: City, State, Grade, and School Year Attended. If Country is selected, State can remain blank, to allow for foreign schools.
Health Conditions
This page records information about your child's health conditions of which the school should be aware.
Registration: Check "Student has no health conditions" if applicable, or else press the Add New Condition button to add one or more health conditions. This information will be shared with the district's nurses.
Verification: This screen is read-only for verification. If you need to add a new health condition or edit a displayed one, contact your student's school. Do not delete any records here.
Enter the dates of your student's immunizations in the order they were received (starting with the oldest on the left). Use the tab key to move from field to field.
Entering accurate data will enable the enrolling school to process your registration promptly. Contact the school with questions about immunization exemptions.
Language Survey
This page is only used for new registrations. Answer each question thoroughly so that the school can determine if your child's language exposure and use might make them eligible to receive support in academic English instruction.
This page is for grades K-8 only.
Check your selections to authorize the elementary or middle school to send your student home in the event of an unscheduled school closure (check all that apply).