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Getting Started

Devices & Security

You can access the online registration system from a smartphone, tablet, or computer. The system works best from a laptop or desktop computer where you can see all the fields and buttons easily.

Online Registration uses a 32-bit, secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect information. The technology is similar to that used in other industries such as health care and banking. 

Create a Parent Account

If you have or have ever had a Lake Oswego School District (LOSD) ParentVUE account, log into ParentVUE with your previously created User ID and Password. If you do not remember your password, go to the login page, click "I am a Parent," and then click the "Forgot Password" icon with the red lock. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.

If you are sure you have never had an LOSD ParentVUE account:

1. Go to
2. Click Create a New Account.
3. Answer the questions to confirm a current or past enrollment in LOSD. If you accidentally skip a question, press "Return to login" and start over.
4. If you have continued from the previous step, follow Steps 1–3 on the screen, then press Return to Login when you're done.
5. Check your email to retrieve the "LOSD Online Registration Account" message. (If you do not see the email in your Inbox, check your junk/spam folder.)
6. Click the hyperlinked 'here' in the email and fill out the screen to complete the account creation process.

Existing ParentVUE Account

If you currently have a student enrolled in Lake Oswego School District, or if you have ever had an LOSD ParentVUE account, log into ParentVUE with your previously created User ID and Password. There is a "Register/Verify" tab in the top right.

If you do not remember your password, go to the login page, click "I am a Parent," and then click the "Forgot Password" icon with the red lock. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. 

Account Activation Questions

When you select the Create New Account option, you are presented with questions to confirm whether you may already be in our system.

If the answer to any question is Yes: if you have or have ever had a Lake Oswego School District ParentVUE account, log in with your previously created User ID and password. If you do not remember your password, return to the login page, click Create New Account or Reset Password, and then click Forgot Password. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. Otherwise, contact your enrolling school for assistance.

If you accidentally answer Yes to one of the questions when the correct answer was No: the system will not allow you to continue. Either switch to another internet browser and start again, or contact your enrolling school for assistance. 

Electronic Signature

Type the exact first name and last name you used when setting up your online account, as shown at the top right of the page.

By doing so, you are acknowledging that you have read and understand the K–12 Student & Family Manual, and that you are authorized to provide registration information (i.e., are the student's legal parent or guardian).

Choosing the Right School Year

From mid-January through early June, two school years will be visible when you log into the registration/verification portal. Be sure to choose the correct year.

  • If you're registering early for the upcoming school year, choose the upcoming year (not the current one).
  • If you're verifying your already-enrolled student's data for the upcoming school year, choose the upcoming year (not the current one).


Online registration/verification includes a series of pages that are presented in a particular order.

Use the Previous and Save And Continue buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate backwards or forwards. Do not use your browser's Back button.

You may also click a module name on the left side of the screen to return to a module you have already seen.

The green progress bar at the top of each page shows your progress in the current module (not the overall registration process).

Draft Registration/Verification

You can start a registration or verification, then leave, then log in again at a later date to finish it. It doesn't go to the school until you submit.