Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Schiele
Dr. Jennifer Schiele is the Lake Oswego School District superintendent. She is a talented administrator and compassionate leader who exemplifies keeping students at the center of the district's mission. In her role as the assistant superintendent Dr. Schiele was instrumental in guiding the district through the pandemic, responsible for curriculum and instructional program development and technology. In overseeing the district's strategic plan she has brought focus and direction to social emotional support and instruction and has continuously advocated for teaching and learning excellence with a dedication to achieving equitable academic outcomes.
Schiele joined LOSD in 2003 as a counselor at Waluga Junior High. She has since held both assistant principal and principal positions at Waluga Junior High and Lakeridge High School. Before joining LOSD, Schiele was a school guidance counselor for Ladue School District in Ladue, Mo., for two years. She began her career as a guidance counselor and math teacher for the Kansas City School District in 1997.
Schiele holds a doctorate degree in education leadership and administration from Lewis & Clark College, a master’s degree in counseling psychology from the University of Kansas and a bachelor’s degree in education from Iowa State University.